Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to our frequently asked questions (FAQs). On this page, you will find most of the answers to your questions. Please notice the four tabs below to categorize the questions. Some questions will be in multiple categories.
- How do I apply?
- Who should I contact if my student has an IEP or a 504 plan?
- Can my child participate in sports at their homeschool while they are a student at your school?
- Can my child who plays sports at his homeschool attend pep rallies and various activities during the day at his/her homeschool?
- Can my child apply to an Academy in the 10th grade?
- Can my child take college classes in 9th grade?
- Can my child visit before attending MCTS?
- How is my child’s 9th-grade math placement decided?
- Can my student apply to more than one academy? For shared time, can I do more than one program?
- When should I apply for the next school year and is there a deadline?
- What is the process if my student needs to transfer into or out of MCTS?
How do I apply?
Who should I contact if my student has an IEP or a 504 plan?
If you have any questions regarding your child’s IEP or 504 plan, please contact Catherine Kloss, the school psychologist and case manager at Mercer County Technical Schools. Her contact information is listed below:
Email Catherine
Can my child participate in sports at their homeschool while they are a student at your school?
Yes, your child can participate at their home school for sports and other activities. You will need to coordinate with your home school district to make this happen. You can do that for your child through our guidance office or directly at the home school district athletic director's office.
If your child will be leaving early for practice/games, they will need to complete a Sports Form and turn it into the Guidance Office so we are aware of early dismissals.
Can my child who plays sports at his homeschool attend pep rallies and various activities during the day at his/her homeschool?
Can my child apply to an Academy in the 10th grade?
Can my child take college classes in 9th grade?
Can my child visit before attending MCTS?
Students must have an application on file, but we encourage all applicants to visit. (Admissions will organize this). Shared time visits are to be requested by their sending school counselor. Full-Time Academy visits are requested by the parent or guardian. After applying, please find the “Admissions” tab on our website, and click the drop-down “Guest Day Visits.” Or by clicking here.
How is my child’s 9th-grade math placement decided?
Can my student apply to more than one academy? For shared time, can I do more than one program?
Your student can visit more than one academy, but ultimately, they will need to choose one when entering the applicant pool. For shared time, students also may visit more than one program, and have a second or even third choice when applying, but once accepted, and registered, students are expected to complete both years of the program.
When should I apply for the next school year and is there a deadline?
What is the process if my student needs to transfer into or out of MCTS?
- Which full-time and shared-time programs are located at the Sypek Campus?
- Which full-time and shared-time programs are located at the Assunpink Campus?
- What are the building hours during the school year?
- For general inquiries, who should I direct my questions to?
- Who do I contact for transportation questions?
- If the school is closed for inclement weather, how can I find this out?
- We have moved within Mercer County, who do I contact with our new address?
- I need to pick up my student early, what is the procedure for this?
- My child drives themselves and needs to leave early. What is the procedure for this?
- My student was late to school, what is the procedure when this happens?
- Is there a directory for the Sypek and Assunpink campuses?
- Can my child who plays sports at his homeschool attend pep rallies and various activities during the day at his/her homeschool?
- Is lunch and breakfast free for all students?
- If my homeschool is closed and there is no transportation, does it count against my child?
- If my child is late due to transportation issues, will it count against my child?
- If my child gets in trouble with their homeschool, will they have consequences at MCTS?
- Can shared-time students participate in activities at MCTS?
- What is the appropriate uniform? Where can I purchase it?
- How can I get my PowerSchool login information?
- Are Chromebooks/laptops provided by the school?
- If my student is absent from school, who do I contact and what documentation is required?
- What is the process if my student needs to transfer into or out of MCTS?
Which full-time and shared-time programs are located at the Sypek Campus?
Which full-time and shared-time programs are located at the Assunpink Campus?
What are the building hours during the school year?
For general inquiries, who should I direct my questions to?
Who do I contact for transportation questions?
MCTS does not provide transportation. Transportation is done by the district that you live in. Tuition is paid by the district that you live in. If you have any transportation questions, please call the district that you live in. If you are an incoming 9th grader and your student attends a private school, charter school or is homeschooled for 8th grade, you must register your child in your district in order to get busing and tuition paid.
If the school is closed for inclement weather, how can I find this out?
We have moved within Mercer County, who do I contact with our new address?
I need to pick up my student early, what is the procedure for this?
It is very helpful to make arrangements ahead of time if a student must leave early. A parent/guardian must contact our Guidance Office in writing or by email with the date and time that the student must leave early. The student will be issued a pass to leave early.
Parents/guardians who come to the campus to pick up students early must provide a photo ID at the Main Office when signing out their student.
In the event of an emergency when arrangements to leave early cannot be made ahead of time, a parent/guardian must call the Assunpink Main Office at 609-586-5144 (Press 2). The Sypek Main Office is 609-737-9784 (Press 2).
My child drives themselves and needs to leave early. What is the procedure for this?
Your student needs to either bring in a note from their parent requesting the early dismissal (the note must contain the student’s name, date of dismissal, time of dismissal, and reason for the dismissal and be signed by the parent), or the student must come to the Main Office and call the parent so that we have verbal permission from the parent.
My student was late to school, what is the procedure when this happens?
Is there a directory for the Sypek and Assunpink campuses?
Yes, you can visit this under the "Schools" drop down or by clicking here.
Can my child who plays sports at his homeschool attend pep rallies and various activities during the day at his/her homeschool?
Is lunch and breakfast free for all students?
No, you will need to complete the free and reduced lunch application each school year. These are available on the district website at To find this, hover on "Students & Families", then click on “Food Services” to learn more. Or by clicking here.
If my homeschool is closed and there is no transportation, does it count against my child?
We will work with you if you do not have transportation. Please inform us of this ahead of time so we can adjust and accommodate as necessary. Typically, home districts will still provide transportation to and from their school to ours if we are in session and they are not (i.e. - different Spring Breaks). However, if a student cannot get to their home school to get that bus, or cannot get to us for a different reason related to hardship, we will not penalize the student.
If my child is late due to transportation issues, will it count against my child?
If my child gets in trouble with their homeschool, will they have consequences at MCTS?
Can shared-time students participate in activities at MCTS?
What is the appropriate uniform? Where can I purchase it?
Depending on the program or academy you are interested in will determine the appropriateness of the uniform. This information will be given during orientation and the first day of school.
You can also view dress code information in the Student Handbook at Hover over “Students & Families”, then select “Student Handbook.”
How can I get my PowerSchool login information?
PowerSchool information is sent home to students and parents electronically each August with login and password information. If you need your login information during the school year, please contact the Main Office at your student’s campus or email by clicking here.
You can visit the Student and Parent PowerSchool login by visiting or clicking here.
Are Chromebooks/laptops provided by the school?
If my student is absent from school, who do I contact and what documentation is required?
What is the process if my student needs to transfer into or out of MCTS?
- Which full-time and shared-time programs are located at the Sypek Campus?
- Which full-time and shared-time programs are located at the Assunpink Campus?
- What are the building hours during the school year?
- If the school is closed for inclement weather, how can I find this out?
- I need to pick up my student early, what is the procedure for this?
- My child drives themselves and needs to leave early. What is the procedure for this?
- My student was late to school, what is the procedure when this happens?
- Are there any clubs my student can join at MCTS?
- My student forgot their lunch, can they order food to be delivered to campus?
- Who should I contact if my student has an IEP or a 504 plan?
- Is there a directory for the Sypek and Assunpink campuses?
- Can my child participate in sports at their homeschool while they are a student at your school?
- Can my child who plays sports at his homeschool attend pep rallies and various activities during the day at his/her homeschool?
- Is lunch and breakfast free for all students?
- Can shared-time students participate in activities at MCTS?
- What is the appropriate uniform? Where can I purchase it?
- How can I get my PowerSchool login information?
- Are Chromebooks/laptops provided by the school?
- If my student is absent from school, who do I contact and what documentation is required?
Which full-time and shared-time programs are located at the Sypek Campus?
Which full-time and shared-time programs are located at the Assunpink Campus?
What are the building hours during the school year?
If the school is closed for inclement weather, how can I find this out?
I need to pick up my student early, what is the procedure for this?
It is very helpful to make arrangements ahead of time if a student must leave early. A parent/guardian must contact our Guidance Office in writing or by email with the date and time that the student must leave early. The student will be issued a pass to leave early.
Parents/guardians who come to the campus to pick up students early must provide a photo ID at the Main Office when signing out their student.
In the event of an emergency when arrangements to leave early cannot be made ahead of time, a parent/guardian must call the Assunpink Main Office at 609-586-5144 (Press 2). The Sypek Main Office is 609-737-9784 (Press 2).
My child drives themselves and needs to leave early. What is the procedure for this?
Your student needs to either bring in a note from their parent requesting the early dismissal (the note must contain the student’s name, date of dismissal, time of dismissal, and reason for the dismissal and be signed by the parent), or the student must come to the Main Office and call the parent so that we have verbal permission from the parent.
My student was late to school, what is the procedure when this happens?
Are there any clubs my student can join at MCTS?
There are currently ten student-created clubs that meet weekly during students' lunch and advisory period. Students have the ability to create a new club by following the directions in the Club Proposal Guidebook. You can see more by visiting our Clubs & Activities page, by clicking here.
My student forgot their lunch, can they order food to be delivered to campus?
Who should I contact if my student has an IEP or a 504 plan?
If you have any questions regarding your child’s IEP or 504 plan, please contact Catherine Kloss, the school psychologist and case manager at Mercer County Technical Schools. Her contact information is listed below:
Email Catherine
Is there a directory for the Sypek and Assunpink campuses?
Yes, you can visit this under the "Schools" drop down or by clicking here.
Can my child participate in sports at their homeschool while they are a student at your school?
Yes, your child can participate at their home school for sports and other activities. You will need to coordinate with your home school district to make this happen. You can do that for your child through our guidance office or directly at the home school district athletic director's office.
If your child will be leaving early for practice/games, they will need to complete a Sports Form and turn it into the Guidance Office so we are aware of early dismissals.
Can my child who plays sports at his homeschool attend pep rallies and various activities during the day at his/her homeschool?
Is lunch and breakfast free for all students?
No, you will need to complete the free and reduced lunch application each school year. These are available on the district website at To find this, hover on "Students & Families", then click on “Food Services” to learn more. Or by clicking here.
Can shared-time students participate in activities at MCTS?
What is the appropriate uniform? Where can I purchase it?
Depending on the program or academy you are interested in will determine the appropriateness of the uniform. This information will be given during orientation and the first day of school.
You can also view dress code information in the Student Handbook at Hover over “Students & Families”, then select “Student Handbook.”
How can I get my PowerSchool login information?
PowerSchool information is sent home to students and parents electronically each August with login and password information. If you need your login information during the school year, please contact the Main Office at your student’s campus or email by clicking here.
You can visit the Student and Parent PowerSchool login by visiting or clicking here.
Are Chromebooks/laptops provided by the school?
If my student is absent from school, who do I contact and what documentation is required?
Curriculum & Instruction
- How many unexcused absences can my student have before it affects their grade?
- Can I have a copy of my child's curriculum?
- Can my child take college classes in 9th grade?
- If my child takes a foreign language in middle school, will it count towards high school?
- How is my child’s 9th-grade math placement decided?
- Can shared-time students participate in activities at MCTS?
- Do you have honors classes?
How many unexcused absences can my student have before it affects their grade?
Can I have a copy of my child's curriculum?
Yes, you can view this by visiting our Program of Studies. You can visit this by hovering over "Academics" and clicking on "Program of Studies". Or by clicking here.
Can my child take college classes in 9th grade?
If my child takes a foreign language in middle school, will it count towards high school?
How is my child’s 9th-grade math placement decided?
Can shared-time students participate in activities at MCTS?
Do you have honors classes?
Work Based Learning
- Why is WBL important to my child’s success?
- When is the best time to hire students for the WBL program?
- Do you supply working papers and when does my child/employee need them?
- What are some examples of work based learning?
- What are the ADVANTAGES of work-based learning for high school STUDENTS?
- How can my child learn more about work based learning opportunities and the process?
- Why employers prefer students from work based learning over experienced employees?
- Do students need any special certifications to participate in a work based learning opportunity?
Why is WBL important to my child’s success?
The number one skill set sought by employers is communication/employability skills. Students thrive at entry level career based internships, all while developing these skills! MCTS’s career talent pipeline provides a gusseted pathway for students to engage so they ‘know’ if this is what they want to pursue for a career, college, or trade school.
When is the best time to hire students for the WBL program?
March/April to the end of May is the best time to begin the process of supplementing your business with entry level talent. Sophomore and Junior year students tend to work best for ‘after school hours’ and full-time during the Summer months. Once school resumes in September, these students are primed and ready to formally enter the WBL (Co-Op) program their Junior/Senior year. Senior year students are available anytime throughout the school year to enter the WBL program.
Do you supply working papers and when does my child/employee need them?
As of June 1, 2023 schools are no longer involved in the process of issuing NJ DOL Working Papers. Working papers are to be completed by: employer, parent/guardian and student. Please click here to learn more. Note: Working papers are required by law for anyone working, 14-17 years of age BEFORE they start working and working papers are specific to each location where they work.
What are some examples of work based learning?
What are the ADVANTAGES of work-based learning for high school STUDENTS?
- Is a valuable opportunity for high school seniors as it allows them to gain real-world experience that will prepare them for the workforce. Also this is an opportunity for students to showcase their skills by applying them in a real world environment while earning money.
- This experience will allow students to head into their postsecondary pathways with greater confidence and knowledge.
- In Conclusion, work-based learning is an essential experience for high school seniors as it provides them with the opportunity to explore different career options, develop essential skills, network with professionals, and gain a sense of independence and responsibility. It prepares students for the workforce and helps them TRANSITION into adulthood.
How can my child learn more about work based learning opportunities and the process?
Why employers prefer students from work based learning over experienced employees?
- Fresh Perspective
- Students bring a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to the workplace. They can think creatively and approach challenges with an open mind.
- Willingness to Learn
- High school students participating in WBL are eager to learn and adapt. They are more open to acquiring new skills and embracing company specific practices
- Moldability
- Employers can shape students into future employees who align perfectly with their company culture and requirements. They can train students in their preferred methods and work ethics.
- Long-Term Investment
- Employers view students with WBL experience as long-term investments. By providing training and mentorship to these students, they are potentially securing dedicated employees for the future.
- Tech-Savviness
- High school students are often tech-savvy, which is crucial in today’s digital workplace. They can easily adapt to new technologies and tools.