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NEW! 25-26 High School Application         NUEVO! Solicitud de escuela secundaria 25-26

Required fields will be marked with an asterisk (*). Upon completion of the application, your counselor will be notified and asked to up upload various items such as transcripts, attendance records, etc. It is wise to alert your counselor when you apply, and they can reach us at

Welcome to Mercer County Technical Schools and the Admissions Department. We are very pleased you have chosen to apply!

Before completing your application, please read the following information carefully. 

After entering the application portal, new applicants should first CREATE AN ACCOUNT, and then complete the online application.

Who should apply?

Academy Programs

Open to rising 9th-grade students only(Apply in 8th grade only) The only options available to 8th-grade applicants are the Culinary Arts Academy, Health Science Academy, and  STEM Academy. These are full-time high schools, where transportation will be provided by your home district. For information on the admissions requirements and procedures, please click this link to view our admissions procedures. Please apply in the Fall of your 8th grade year.

Assunpink Center
Health Science Academy

Sypek Center
Culinary Arts Academy
STEM Academy

It is recommended that all interested students apply and visit prior to January 30th, 2024. The admissions assessment for Academy applicants takes place in February 2024. Accepted and Waitlisted applicants will be notified by March 2024.

All Academy Seniors will attend MCCC after 9:20 am. A bus will be provided or students can provide their own transportation. Students will enroll in MCCC courses that will follow our Program of Studies. All students are considered college students and will need to abide by all MCCC policies, procedures, & regulations.

Guest Day Visit - After Applying

Shared Time Programs

Open to rising 11th-grade students only. (Apply in 10th grade only) These are two-year programs, and students attend for half the day during their Junior and Senior years. Transportation is provided by your home district. The shared time programs are the only programs open to 10th-grade applicants. These include:

Assunpink Center
Allied Health Services

Computer Game Programming
Diesel Technology
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Technology (HVAC-R)
Welding Technology

Sypek Center
Autobody Collision Technology
Automotive Mechanics Technology
Culinary Arts
Graphic Design
Horticulture and Turf Care Management

For information on the admissions requirements and procedures, please click this link to view our admissions procedures.

Guest Day Visit - After Applying

Career Prep at MCCC

Students must be rising twelfth (12th) graders to be eligible to apply. (Apply in 11th grade only) Applicants for this program shall have no less than a 3.2 GPA and an attendance rate of 95% or better. Students in this program will follow the Mercer County Community College calendar and are expected to attend classes per stated requirements. *Students enrolled in our Academy and Shared-Time Programs are not eligible to apply for the Career Prep Program.*

Most classes take place on the Mercer County Community College West Windsor campus, except Fashion/Apparel Design, Fashion Merchandising (Kerney Campus), and Fire Science (Dempster Fire Center). They will be treated as typical college students, and – once enrolled in the program – will need to establish a “MyMercer” account, and communicate directly with MCCC for all matters related to schedule, classes, homework, and grades.

To see more visit our Career Prep Programs, click here.

For information on the admissions requirements and procedures, please click this link to view our admissions procedures.

Contact Admissions

Frequently Asked Questions

Program of Studies Book

USDA Nondiscrimination

Academic Overview Flyers

Academy Flyers

Shared-Time Flyers

Program of Studies Book

To view course sequences, read syllabi, or learn about the various credentials and certifications available.

MCTS Commercial

Admission Videos

View videos on each of the specific programs and learn more about how MCTS can be the right choice for you.

Admissions Procedures

Notice: Mercer County Technical School District admits students without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability. If there is a student with limited English proficiency, a qualified representative from the Mercer County Technical School District will assist the applicant in completing the necessary forms and assist in interpreting during the entire application and admissions process upon the request of the applicant. Recruitment information is available in multiple languages on the district’s website at Multilingual Learners (ML) and disabled students may voluntarily self-identify for the purpose of requesting reasonable accommodations during the entire application and admissions process. Information on limited English proficiency and disabilities submitted voluntarily by the applicant, for the purpose of receiving assistance and accommodations during the entire application and admissions process will not affect their chances of admission.